We are always delighted to welcome parents into our school, and we are especially excited to introduce our 2023-2024 cohorts to their classrooms. To help parents learn more about our school and the upcoming school year, we will be hosting three open events throughout Term 6.


We are excited to announce that we will be holding a Reception Welcome Talk on Tuesday, June 6th from 9:30-10:30am. This talk is open to parents and carers of children who will be starting Reception in the 2023-2024 academic year. During the talk you will:

  • Meet the Principal, Assistant Principal, Early Years Lead, and our senior administrator
  • Be given your transition dates and times
  • Receive information on our school uniform and where you can purchase it
  • Have an understanding on how we communicate with you as parents
  • Understand Drove's Attendance Policy and the important of good attendance
  • Get an insight of what your child's 1st week will look like with us

Before attending this event we would encourage you to explore our school website and in particular our Golden Threads page: Golden Threads Page

We understand that starting Reception can be a big adjustment, but this is an exciting time for both you and your child. With a little preparation, you can help your child make the most of this important experience. Come along to find out more.