At Drove Primary School, we always aim to take our pupils on engaging and educational trips, where they can form unforgettable memories and have fun, whilst learning about the natural world. Our reception class recently took part in one of these excursions when they travelled to Farmer Gow's.

Farmer Gow's is a local farm that caters to primary school pupils. They allow children to get up close and personal with a variety of farmyard animals. They also get the opportunity to learn about agriculture and green energy.

When our reception class visited Farmer Gow's, they participated in a variety of thrilling activities. To begin with, they collected chicken eggs. The children really enjoyed this, and it was an eggcellent way of teaching them about the life cycle of chickens. They also got the opportunity to compare chicken eggs to goose and turkey eggs.

We then learned how to hold a chicken properly, which is not as easy as one might think. The reception class treated the chickens with a great deal of respect and care when handling them, which made both our staff very proud and left the farmers incredibly happy.

Our pupils then had the opportunity to feed some of the animals. These included cows, sheep, goats, and lambs. Excitingly, they even got the chance to bottle feed the lambs. The children loved feeding all of the animals, and it was clear to see that they started to appreciate how much time and care goes into keeping animals fed and happy.

The children were impeccably behaved whilst they were at Farmer Gow's and represented our school perfectly. We enjoy providing our pupils with these types of experiences, and we look forward to taking reception on other trips in the future.