

Drove Primary School is a great place for your child to learn. We have an exceptional staff, support and nurture each student, and deliver a top-quality education. 

Please be aware that Swindon Bough Council allocate the school places, not Drove Primary School. If parents have been successful in getting a place at Drove they will be contacted by the council, who will then ring Drove. Ruth Ainsworth, our Senior Pupil Administration, will contact the parents to confirm that they still want the place with us. Once accepted a home visit date will be given.

Primary Admissions Policies

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How to Apply

Admissions to the school are coordinated by Swindon Borough Council.

To apply for a place at our school, follow the link below and submit an online application.

Click here to apply now

If you would like your child to join our school, Please contact the school office to find out more. 

For advice about the application process, please contact; [email protected] 

Visit our School

To arrange a tour of the school, please contact our school office, where we can arrange a date for you and your child to come in and have a tour or the school.

  • Main School Office Number: 01793818608
  • Nursery Office Number: 01793818600

In-Year Admissions for Reception to Year 6

To apply for an In-Year place at our school, click on the Apply online button below.


Nursery Admissions

If you are looking for a place for your child at our Nursery, visit our nursery page here:


Key Dates

For Secondary School Application

Date Activity
1st September 2023 Application period opens. You can make our application online.
31st October 2023

Secondary application closing date. You can make an application after this date, but it will be a late application. Late applications are not considered until all on-time applications have been considered and allocated.

10th January 2024

Deadline to submit a change of address for consideration.
1st March 2024 Offer day. You will receive your offer of a secondary school place.
15th March 2024 Deadline day for accepting an offer

For a Primary, Infant or Junior School Application

Date Activity
1st September 2023 Main application period opens.
15th January 2024

Main application period closes. You can make an application after this date, but it will be a late applicationLate applications are not considered until all on-time applications have been considered and allocated.

10th March 2024

Deadline to submit a change of address for consideration.
17th April 2024 Offer day. You will receive your offer of a secondary school place.
28th April 2024 Deadline day for accepting an offer

Open Events

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School Admissions Appeal

If you did not get a place at Drove, you have the right to appeal to the council. You can do this by clicking the link below.

School Admissions Appeal

New Starters - What to Expect

Before children start with us at Drove Primary School, the class teacher along with another member of staff, will conduct a Home Visit. This allows the teachers to get to know the child and can see each other before they start with us. During this, parents will have an opportunity to talk to the teacher, fill in the necessary forms, and receive a brochure. Parents will be given a start date and they are to bring their child to the school gates, where they will be greeted by the class teacher and the child will be guided into school.

If the child is in Nursery or Reception, the home visit process is the same, however, to ensure a smooth and happy transition, children will be welcomed in gradually over a series of visits. Once the teacher feels that the child is ready to start full time, a discussion will be held with the parents to discuss the next steps.

Every child’s start to school life is a vitally important period. At Drove, we do everything we can to make it a happy, exciting and positive experience. It is our role to support you and your family in the home to school transition.